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Image by Alex Robert


When the relationship with a spouse becomes strained, imposing a travel ban on children can be a crucial protective measure. This step helps prevent one parent from unilaterally removing the children from their current jurisdiction, which could sever the children's ties to their other parent and disrupt their sense of stability and security. It also ensures that legal processes, such as custody disputes or divorce proceedings, can take place with both parents having fair access to the children.

Additionally, it protects the children's rights to maintain a relationship with both parents, something that's often in their best interests unless specific circumstances dictate otherwise. Lastly, a travel ban can serve as a temporary measure while both parents work towards a more permanent and amicable solution regarding the children's upbringing and care.

Documents Required:

  1. Emirates ID and/or passport for the applicant.

  2. Emirates ID and/or passport for the counterparty.

  3. Marriage certificate.

  4. Full contact details for the parties (Mobile number, Email, and address).

  5. Children Emirates IDs and/or passports.

Time Till Decision:

2-4 business days.

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